Thoughts on the Displacement and Inception of the Teton Fault, Wyoming*

Описание к видео Thoughts on the Displacement and Inception of the Teton Fault, Wyoming*

Presented byJohn O.D. Byrd of ByrdGEO
Ph.D., Geophysics, University of Utah
A Laramide age interpretation for the Gros Ventre Range (GVR) has also settled into the literature as a "given". As a result, deformation of Miocene and younger deposits on the east side of the range has been attributed to displacement on the Teton fault. However, the magnitude, orientation, and variation in deformation of these younger units, in conjunction with the ongoing seismicity in the GVR suggest a much younger, and perhaps ongoing period of uplift that may be independent of the Teton fault. If this is the case, then the age and magnitude of displacement on the Teton fault may be younger and less than previously interpreted.


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