Stepmania 5 x Faster Than Light: The Last Stand

Описание к видео Stepmania 5 x Faster Than Light: The Last Stand

Original Song:    • Faster Than Light soundtrack - Last S...  

Wew lad. So this was a pretty hard file to make, mostly because it was the first time I've ever dinked around with proper math or sprites in files.


To install the song, find the folder in the download labelled "The Last Stand", and drop it into a folder in your step game of choice's Songs folder.
Also, follow Taronuke's steps on how to set your render mode to OpenGL, otherwise the screen will whiteout.

": follow these steps:
Open %AppData%\Roaming\StepMania 5\Save\Preferences.ini
find "VideoRenderers=d3d, opengl"
remove d3d from list"

Made in Stepmania 5.0.12. If something breaks on your version, let me know.


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