中文词汇挑战 16天 Chinese Vocabulary Booster Free To Learn Chinese

Описание к видео 中文词汇挑战 16天 Chinese Vocabulary Booster Free To Learn Chinese


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☑️【Download Today's Chinese EBook】VIP会员特权 🔒
00:00 贴海报 Stick Ads & Posters
📚eBook📕https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zFNb... 👈
05:29 坐飞机 Take a flight
10:35 戴上摘下 take/ put off
13:42 剪&切 Cut
19:27 生病吃药 Sickness
28:47 护照过期 Renew Passport
38:21 夏日旅行Summer Vacations
45:08 包坏了 Repair My Bag
53:40 手机坏了Cracked screen
1:02:54 退货 Product Return
1:08:47 香水
1:18:17 网上购物
1:23:44 拍照 Take Photos
1:30:27 取款机 Protect Yourself at the ATM
1:35:16 电话诈骗 I got a spam call
1:42:01 社交媒体 Media

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