NYC's Oldest abandoned underground station + The Park Avenue / Murray Hill Tunnel

Описание к видео NYC's Oldest abandoned underground station + The Park Avenue / Murray Hill Tunnel

The Murray Hill Tunnel is one of the oldest tunnels in NYC, containing the oldest abandoned station in NYC.

Currently, the tunnel is closed to vehicular traffic and has become a strange ly accessible oasis of self-autonomy in the middle of Manhattan.

The first time I visited, it was a roaring loud subterranean speedway.

Presently (2023) it’s dead quiet—until someone with a boom box shows up, or dudes on motorcycles and scooters spin around wilding out. Every time I’m down there something different pops off.

The next iteration of this tunnel will be far more boring than the current situation. The walls will apparently be cleaned, and carbon-death-spiral polluting vehicles are slated to return. So let’s enjoy this blip in the swagger matrix while we can.


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All photographs & video copyright 2024.

Sound effects courtesy:

VS Pop_8.mp3 by Vilkas_Sound -- -- License: Attribution 4.0


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