Pax Renaissance 2nd edition- playthrough (with explanations) how to play

Описание к видео Pax Renaissance 2nd edition- playthrough (with explanations) how to play

Just in case it was not clear regarding Religious Victory:
Supreme Religion must have MORE Bishop tokens of its color in tableaux and Thrones than both of the other religions COMBINED, and more tokens of its color in play in its Theocracies than BOTH of the other Religions COMBINED.
Thank you Felipe for this remark :)

Hi players!
In this video I will show you a full playthrough with explanations of course of Pax Renaissance 2nd edition.
This video is here to get you through your first game.
Naturally I will not be able to show you ALL the cases, but I think that after watching this video you will have a better clue of how to launch it and hopefully it will come to your table much more often.
A huge THANK YOU to Andrew Kindred and to the Pax Renaissance 2nd edition community in BGG!

Happy gaming!


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