LM // 2020 Vision

Описание к видео LM // 2020 Vision

As we continue to move forward, we couldn't help but reminisce on a life changing year.
Far from what we expected, but we all found ways to keep going.

Created by Spud (@spud4k)
(All credits at end of video)

Everyone had a vision for 2020. But it was far from what we all thought it would be. It tested us, and made us appreciate every little thing, and every little moment we had. As downhill skateboarders, we have been hiding out in the mountains for years, so when we saw we had to lay low, we were able to find ways to continue our usual wild activities. Taking advantage, and appreciating every chance we got to skate.

Huge shoutout to S1 Helmets for the support through the years, if you need a helmet for anything, head over to their website!

If you want to see where these videos came from, and more in depth versions.
Head over to our page, and S1 helmets YouTube! (   / s1downhill  )

ALSO: The Intro is in order of how things were filmed throughout the year. Afterwards, not so much.
Hope you enjoyed our year recap video! I'd love to get this video big. So if you could... Like, share, comment, and subscribe!

Locations: (in order shown)
Utah & Colorado
Oregon & Northern California
The Bay Area
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Southern California
Tennessee & North Carolina

#linkedmedia #downhillskateboarding #2020vision


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