I tried the BHAPTICS TactSuit - The total immersion? [Virtual Reality]

Описание к видео I tried the BHAPTICS TactSuit - The total immersion? [Virtual Reality]

TactSuit is a wireless suit that provides haptic feedback! With instant feedback, users can not only feel VR, but interact with it as well.

[VoodooDE's german channel]    / @voodoode_vr  
[VoodooDE Steam Curator] http://store.steampowered.com/curator...
[VoodooDE und Jaesey im Real Life] https://goo.gl/XowvDE

Here you will find infos about TactSuit:

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[VRForum] ------------------ https://vrforum.de
[VRODO] --------------------- https://vrodo.de

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[Patreon] --------------------   / voodoode  
[Merchandising] --------- https://teespring.com/voodoode

► My rig
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