APH - Friend Like Me (Multilanguage)

Описание к видео APH - Friend Like Me (Multilanguage)

MP3 download: http://www.4shared.com/audio/2ezoYQuG...

Video download: http://www.4shared.com/file/ij7j5ves/...

I had a lot of fun with this one. If people would like to post lyrics/translations, I will post them in the description. :) Enjoy!

Swedish lyrics/translation:
Du kan nå, hurra, dina drömmar nu/Gnida lampan är en lätt passage/Så säg mig
(You can reach, hurray, your dreams now/[To] rub the lamp is an easy passage/So tell me)
Thanks to Creek719

Finnish lyrics/translation:
Näin on, saat kohteluista parhaan/Oot pomo, jehu, rikas
(It's like this, you get the best of treatments/You're the boss, the big guy, rich)
Thanks to Creek719

Norwegian lyrics/translation:
Så prøv en liten smak. Nei, kanskje litt av den.
Ja, vær så snill, bestill, bestill.
For du finner ingen bedre venn.

Lalala. Åh, nei. Lalala. No, no. Lalala. Nanana.

(So try a little taste. No, maybe a little of that.
Yes, please, order, order.
Because you don't find a better friend.
Lalala. Oh, no. Lalala. No, no. Lalala. Nanana.
Thanks to ganadorf123

Russian lyrics/translation:
Готов исполнить твоё желание я/Gotov ispolnit' tvoyo zhelaniye ya
Скажи лишь мне,желаешь ты чего!/Skazhi lish' mne, zhelayesh' ty chego!
Пусть будет список твой длины любой/Pust' budet spisok tvoy dliny lyuboi,
Потри лишь лампу,только и всего,е-xо!/Potri lysh' lampu, tol'ko i vsego, ye-ho!

(I'm ready to make your wish come true
Just tell me what you wish!
Let your list be of any length
Simply rub a lamp, and that's all, yeah-ho!)
Thanks to me0here0me0there


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