John Wineland: Six Pillars Of Sexual & Spiritual Intimacy, Part One (#85) & Part Two (#86)

Описание к видео John Wineland: Six Pillars Of Sexual & Spiritual Intimacy, Part One (#85) & Part Two (#86)

For more about this episode

Are your parents still married? If so, are they happy? If not, why not, and have you carried on the tradition of failed romantic relationships into your adult life? Were mom and dad good role models? Did they teach through demonstration the delicate, yet crucial art of love and intimacy? See what I'm getting at here? I'm making the point that the vast majority of us did not have the best role models as children when it comes to highly evolved, conscious relating. And so it goes- we repeat the same negative patterns of communication and chemistry killing behavior over and over again, most of us remaining baffled as to why our relationships don't work. And even if you're one of the lucky few to which romantic relational skills come easy, is there not always room for a deeper, more vulnerable, more ecstatic expression of love and even sexuality?

In our second episode with relationship wizard John Wineland, we explore every facet of romantic, sexual, and even spiritual intimacy. I mean let's face it- without the ability to truly trust your partner enough to be seen to your core, and to express your essence in all its glory, most relationships tend to fall flat and fail to bring us the full potential of human love and expression that we all crave on the deepest level. And furthermore, without deep and unconditional love, even great sex can leave us bored and unsatisfied in the end.

To achieve the High Love, you know- the real deal- we need a roadmap. A plan. And we have to have cultivated the physical and emotional strength and fortitude to handle that love once we find it. We must have an understanding of, and control over our masculine and feminine energies to create and maintain the polarity of attraction. Our guest John Wineland has done little else for the past ten years other than explore these skills himself, and teach them to thousands of people all over the world. You my friend and listener now have the distinct pleasure and privilege to bask in some of that wisdom in this epic, double-episode. It's my hope that every one of us will be afforded the opportunity to apply this knowledge in our own lives and relationships, and as a result, break the cycle of failed (or shallow) love that so many of us had modeled for us by our own well-intentioned parents.

It's a chance to reexamine ourselves, to experience the six pillars of sexual and spiritual intimacy, and to be able to give and receive the level of deep love we know on some level that we deserve.

Send this show to someone you love right now. No seriously. Forward this on to the next seeker of truth and depth.

To your heart,



The Life Stylist Podcast is a show for people who are dedicated to living life at the highest level of human potential. Our host Luke Storey brings you the most thought-provoking interviews with the biggest experts in the fields of health, spirituality, and personal development. Past guests have included Bulletproof Coffee inventor Dave Asprey, relationship guru John Gray, rewilding expert Daniel Vitalis, biohacking super-genius Dr. Jack Kruse, health food wiz David Wolfe, and fitness master Ben Greenfield.

The show covers an ever-expanding range of topics including sex and relationships, yoga, meditation, smart drugs, health myths and medical conspiracies, spirituality, mindfulness, health food and supplementation, herbs and alternative medicine, and digs deep into biohacking technologies and tactics. Luke Storey is a former celebrity fashion stylist- turned public speaker, thought leader and entrepreneur, who has spent the past 20 years relentlessly searching the world over to design the ultimate lifestyle through his extensive, and sometimes even dangerous, personal research and development. Using The Life Stylist Podcast as his delivery platform, Luke continues to share his strategies for healing, happiness, and high-performance living each week so that you the listener can use this knowledge to design YOUR ultimate lifestyle.

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