Fate/Grand Order Arcade (JP) SABER – Nero Claudius (Bride) – Introduction

Описание к видео Fate/Grand Order Arcade (JP) SABER – Nero Claudius (Bride) – Introduction

► Character Info
[Character] Nero Claudius (Bride)
[キャラクター] ネロ・クラウディウス〔ブライド〕

[Noble Phantasm] Fax Caelestis: Star-Rushing Rose of Closure
[ノウブル・ファンタズム] ファクス・カエレスティス『星馳せる終幕の薔薇』

► Original Source
[Link]    • Видео  

► Game Info
[Title] Fate/Grand Order Arcade
[タイトル] フェイト/グランドオーダー アーケード

[Franchise] TYPE-MOON
[フランチャイズ] タイプムー

[Developer] SEGA Interactive Co., Ltd.
[ゲームデベロッパー] 株式会社セガゲームス

[Publisher] SEGA Interactive Co., Ltd.
[ゲームパブリッシャー] 株式会社セガゲームス

[Platform] Arcade
[プラットフォーム] アーケードゲーム

[Official Homepage]
[Link (JP)] https://arcade.fate-go.jp
[Link (NA)] N/A

[Official Twitter]
[Link (JP)]   / fgoproject  
[Link (NA)] N/A

► Artist Info
[Illustrator] Wada Arco
[イラストレーター] ワダアルコ
[Link (Twitter)] N/A
[Link (Pixiv)] N/A

► Voice Actor / Actress Info
[Character Voice] Nero Claudius CV: Sakura Tange
[声優] ネロ・クラウディウス CV: 丹下桜
[Link] https://animenewsnetwork.com/encyclop...

► I do not own the copyright for this material.
► All fanart and videos shown in these videos are credited to their original creators.
► Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.


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