Avatar FOP 27: A Distant Storm (Stealthy until it wasn't :) more details in description)

Описание к видео Avatar FOP 27: A Distant Storm (Stealthy until it wasn't :) more details in description)

The first part on the Alpha platform can be stealthed until you start shooting the canister. After that just keep moving. Looks like it's about 5 arrows.

With the probes, do south first and then east. When i did them the other way around I got reinforcements that I didn't see if you do them in this order.

For the Control Center platform, shoot at the helicopters. If they can't drop off soldiers, you won't have to worry about soldiers. But put down trip mines that go up each set of stairs just as backup.

Lastly, completing this gives you the Arches Fall songcord.

For game guides, maps, game content google sheets, and lists see www.emmiejacob.com.

#AFOP #DistantStorm #Stealth


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