Forging Art-Nol Putnam, Artist Blacksmith Trailer Jan 2019

Описание к видео Forging Art-Nol Putnam, Artist Blacksmith Trailer Jan 2019

Step inside White Oak Forge where Artist-Blacksmith Nol Putnam employs centuries-old techniques to make art out of iron and steel. Over four decades Nol has bent metal into iconic pieces like his trio of Gates for the West Crypt Columbarium at the Washington National Cathedral to whimsical indoor sculptures and colorful Poppies in honor of the Farriers who served in WWI. And more recently a stately private commissioned sculpture titled ‟Raven”. Nol talks art, mythology and making metal move in this short documentary. Filmed at White Oak Forge in Huntly, VA and at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC.

Forging Art was filmed between October, 2016 and May 4, 2022

Tracy Mazza, Producer
Mathieu Mazza, Director of Photography
Louis Celano, Editor

Original Music Score: Karen Johnson, C Flute, Bass Flute
Christopher Brown, Electric Bass, Synthesizer

FILM Premiere 5/22/22 6:30PM on Maryland Public Television

Filmmaker site:


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