The Symbolism of the Boar - The Boar God

Описание к видео The Symbolism of the Boar - The Boar God

Symbolism of the boar. A primordial image of strength fearless aggression and resolute courage, particularly across northern Europe and the Celtic world where it was a leading symbol of warriors. It also has meaning elsewhere as a sun symbol in Iran and as a moon symbol in Japan. Where the white boar was taboo to hunters.
Respect for the board extended into India whereas varaha, vishnu took on board form to dive into the flood and route the earth up with his Tusk after it had been captured by demons. Destructive brutality is the other side of bore symbolism it was a monstrous adversary to the Greek hero heracles and also to the Egyptian solar God Horus whose eye was torn out by Seth in the form of a black boar. The boar was a judeo Christian symbol for tyranny and lust


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