Best Idea For HEINZ КАША That Usually Your Baby Doesn't Like To Eat / Filipina-Russian Family

Описание к видео Best Idea For HEINZ КАША That Usually Your Baby Doesn't Like To Eat / Filipina-Russian Family


Diary of Filipina-Russian Family

Hello mommy's not just in Russia but to all mommies in the world.
But this video guys is specially made of for the best idea for Heinz каша (pourage) that usually your baby doesn't like to eat.
It's not only me had a problem on it I noticed, because some of our friends as well had this struggle about feeding this kind of pourage to their babies. The reason why I end up having a lot of packs at home because our friends also thought that our Little ate it without problem, we'll yes right now after I made this idea and also no before because of the particles that has been mixed with the pourage which is cereals and dried fruits.

So to all momhie's in the world who got aid a Heinz каша from the government, I hope you will get this idea as well for a good way of saving and at the same time for giving you an idea how to make way on a thing that you thought is already useless.

Thanks for watching guys!

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