EU4 - How to Win as Riga in 1.30! (2020)

Описание к видео EU4 - How to Win as Riga in 1.30! (2020)

Riga, and Terra Mariana is one of the most difficult, but most fun nations in EU4! In today's How to Win / EU4 tutorial / eu4 guide I'll show you a Riga strategy in Europa Universalis IV ( EU4 ) - let me know what other nations you'd like to see to give me an idea!

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This series is called How To Win as it is meant to show you how to play as nations in EU4 and help you achieve your aims - this can be from getting achievements such as the Big Blue Blob and Three Mountains to just painting the map. No matter where you rank these nations on a tier list, from easy to hard, fun to boring, I'm sure my guides and tutorials will help to unlock the secret to playing as them. These guides may contain exploits, cheats, tricks, tips, funny memes, not so funny memes, jokes, how to win wars and what your opening moves should be. They probably won't contain full achievement runs or world conquests but they'll get you on the way! The reason for the short tutorials is that I feel the game starts to become more and more unique with each playthrough, meaning that I'm not going to have the same game as you so beyond pointing out major things such as potential coalitions or countries to ally there's little to be gained. However, by focusing on the opening years from 1444 where things should be moderately similar, you should be able to emulate what I'm showing on the screen. Be warned, this is for single player, mostly, multiplayer (MP) strategies will be entirely different, though the base premises and some starting manouveres might be the same. This probably won't help you with huge 75+ player lobbies but it might if you're starting away from the rest of the world.

In summary, the How to Win series is designed to be a quick guide and insight as to how you should be starting out, from Byzantium to England to France and more, I'm sure there's a video in the How to Win playlist that can help, if not, let me know what nation I should cover next or join the Discord and tell me directly!

Thanks for watching!

Title of the video: EU4 - How to Win as Riga in 1.30! (2020)

Title of last How to Win: EU4 - How to Win as Granada (in 1.30 - 2020!)

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