🐝 Langstroth to Layen's Conversion

Описание к видео 🐝 Langstroth to Layen's Conversion

I really wanted some local bees but could not find any packages or someone to do a shook swarm. I was however able to find some local nucs on Langstroth frames. I used Dr. Leo's transition frame to move the bees into Layen's style hives. Transitioning the bees from a Langstroth frame to a Layen's frame worked very well with these transition frames. I was also able to do a walk-away split with the resources in the first nuc. Hope this helps someone!


🐝 L I N K S
Note: Commissions may be earned from the links below. Thanks for your support!
► My Build Plans: https://www.beeboybill.com/store/buil...
► Plans for transition frame: www.HorizontalHive.com
► My favorite bee books: https://www.beeboybill.com/store/books​
► Bee Products I recommend: https://www.beeboybill.com/store/beek...

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