Stancewars 2016 | Bellevue, WA

Описание к видео Stancewars 2016 | Bellevue, WA

Stancewars. You simply cannot be interested in cars and not know about these events. Especially being in Seattle where the event originated and has grown to become easily the biggest stance and style centric event in the entire northwest. This year was pretty special for me. I finally bit the bullet and applied for a media badge. I usually decide not to apply as I wouldn't feel like my work was ready. But with the hard work, time, and money combined with the amazing support of so many people around me I finally felt ready and...I WAS APPROVED! Such an amazing and humbling experience to be in the presence and shoot die by side with some people who I've watched and learned much from their videos for a while. The show was packed and I mean PACKED! They even had to turn people away as the Fire Marshall was becoming concerned about capacity. But the show went on. The Top100 was such a well picked and diverse selection of cars coming anywhere from local areas to Southern California or all the way from Texas! Got to see a lot of familiar faces and got to meet some new ones as well. HUGE THANKS to Mike and Sally, Cynthia, all of the volunteers, and to everyone who made the event happen and made it what it was. Thinking about trying out for Stancewars Houston media. Let me know what you think in the comments! As always if you enjoyed the video please drop a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date on all of my videos as soon as they post. Thank you all for you support!!

mtbrd - Fanfare feat. Flamingosis
ATLiens & Felmax - Thank God
Hucci - Hitta VIP
JAEGER - Velllo
Graves - No Sunshine
Foxwedding - Try Me


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