mix:analog | Dual LA-2A Tutorial

Описание к видео mix:analog | Dual LA-2A Tutorial


We've made this short tutorial to get you acquainted with the Dual LA-2A that's just been launched at mix:analog!

Source tracks for the demo: https://www.cambridge-mt.com/ms/mtk/#...

mix:analog: http://bit.ly/2O4GaET
blog: http://bit.ly/2NkRrAw

roadmap: https://bit.ly/2xQ5ckq

facebook: http://bit.ly/2QpfA7J
twitter: http://bit.ly/2QpgOzR
instagram: http://bit.ly/2Mq8UTw
linkedin: http://bit.ly/2N6YtcR

Contact us: [email protected]

mix:analog is a registered trademark of Distopik d.o.o., an audio technology R&D company based in Slovenia, European Union.


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