Shadowlands Season 4 | Resto Shaman Mythic Plus Guide

Описание к видео Shadowlands Season 4 | Resto Shaman Mythic Plus Guide

Yo! Please enjoy the Shadowlands Season 4 Resto Shaman Mythic Plus Guide which is my main for this season!

Vesper totem explained!
   • Shadowlands Season 4 | Resto Shaman |...  

0:00 - Intro
0:20 - Pros
0:38 - Cons
0:56 - Legendary
1:00 - Talents
1:50 - Covenant/Soulbind
1:54 - Conduits
2:41 - Set Bonus
3:14 - Set Bonus Example
3:32 - Outro

#worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #mythicplus #shaman #restoshamanguide

I mainly focus on healing mid to high keys in WoW and pushing Top 100 leaderboards in D3 seasons. I play all things MMOs, ARPGs, the occasional shooter and many things in between!
Tips -
No pressure or obligation! 100% of funds go to supporting the stream so it is better for you all.

Check out other info here!
Contact me here anytime - [email protected]
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Twitter -   / nogylopp  


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