Enhance reading AND distance vision with Lens Replacement surgery

Описание к видео Enhance reading AND distance vision with Lens Replacement surgery

Replacing your natural, aging lens with a new synthetic lens requires finding the optimal focal point for each of your eyes. Dr. Hunter explains how achieving excellent distance and near vision is possible with Lens Replacement surgery.

#lensreplacement #vision #nearsighted #farsighted #explainer #huntervision

If you’re curious about Lens Replacement and want to learn more, check out Dr. Hunter’s free Lens Replacement Masterclass: https://bit.ly/3vtR3lD

0:00 Intro
0:03 Lens Replacement ensures maximum vision in all ranges
0:33 Near and distance vision = different focal points
0:59 Distance vision (far-sightedness)
1:37 Near vision (near-sightedness)
2:33 Achieving near and distance vision (two ways)
2:58 Multifocal lenses and contrast sensitivity
5:18 Blended vision vs monovision


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