Lazada Purchase | Teclast P20HD 10" Tablet Review

Описание к видео Lazada Purchase | Teclast P20HD 10" Tablet Review

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Other thoughts:

This tablet is pretty impressive in terms of its specifications. I'd say its pretty decent for only Php6k.
its useful for online class and good for casual use. It's not as good as well known brands such as samsung, huawei, lenovo, and many more but you get your moneys worth.

There are some set backs that made me regret buying it, but its based on personal preference. Disappointed that it is not OTG compatible, but this is a speculation. Either it does not support OTG or my OTG adaptor does not function well with the tablet.

Bluetooth works well, so there will be no problems with connecting wireless mouse and keyboards.

Further observations will be updated as I continue to use this tablet. Do ask questions in the comment section to test this tablets ability!

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