Master the Nakhmanson Gambit. #5 Black plays 6...Nd6

Описание к видео Master the Nakhmanson Gambit. #5 Black plays 6...Nd6

In this video I will show you what I consider to be the strongest reply against the Nakhmanson Gambit: 6...Nd6. The move isn't that famous yet, accepting the Nakhmanson Gambit or decline it with 6...Nxc3 or 6...d5 are much more common moves, but this move is the enignes favourite. I also saw the first videos by good chessplayers like IM The Big Greek and GM Niclas Huschenbeth who recommend the move for black, so I had to cover it in this video series. Truth must be told: If black plays accurate moves, he will get a good position with beeing a pawn up, so I have to agree that this line is probably the hardest test for Nakhamnson Gambit players.

I also made a Lichess study for the video, so you can play through the moves by yourself. Here you can find the study:

This video is part of my "Master the Nakhmanson Gambit" - series, in which I will show you everything you need to know to start playing the Nakhmanson Gambit in some online games. So if you want to learn more about the opening or about chess in general, just check out my other videos aswell. I'm a ~2100 FIDE rated player and I would like to share my knowledge with you because I think that teaching is a good way of training.

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