
Описание к видео 对话设计师|《梦想改造家》男神来了,日本设计师青山周平这次不聊作品,聊认知,告诉你怎样才是追求自然的家庭装修观。装修前必看!


Decoration is not only to look good, in the eyes of the teacher Hiroshi Aoyama, good decoration is not only those who can see the place, more is the invisible place all return to the origin of home decoration, a comfortable and natural, let the owners feel comfortable space is a good decoration.

本频道坚持“好房子住出来 好设计逛出来”,优选中国家庭最新的家装设计,品评各类设计优缺点,发布好看不好用闭坑指南,为普通用户家装提供参考依据。
This channel adheres to the good house to live out, selects the latest home decoration design of working families, evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of design, issues the good looking not to use the closed pit guide, provides the reference basis for the ordinary user's design thinking.
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