How to identify IPO with potential listing gain? Secret formula to make quick money 💸 in an IPO?

Описание к видео How to identify IPO with potential listing gain? Secret formula to make quick money 💸 in an IPO?

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Steps to identify IPO with potential gains:

Step #1: Check the grey market premium of the company.

Companies with a good premium in the grey market would good give listing gains.

Step #2: Check the brokerage houses report

There are many brokerage houses that suggest if you should subscribe for the IPo or not. You just need to search the company name and use key words like a brokerage house report.

Step #3: Check the subscription status

This is the final step that you need to do where you can check the subscription status during the 3 days of IPO application. So normally, if the company is expected to do well, there is a good subscription on the 1st day itself. You will get 3 days to apply for the IPO. So you can invest on the 2nd or 3rd day based on the IPO subscription status. The more the subscription, the better would be the listing gain chances. Again, you can simply google the company name followed by the keyword “IPO subscription status” and you will get the details.


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