"SEASONS of RICE" documentary shooting in Vietnam - Director of photography Ho Chi Minh City

Описание к видео "SEASONS of RICE" documentary shooting in Vietnam - Director of photography Ho Chi Minh City

"SEASONS of RICE" trailer, shooting in VIETNAM, Ho Chi Minh City based director, director of photography, cameraman, drone operator, sound mixer, photographer PETER SCHEID FILM - We direct, shoot & produce DOCUMENTARY FILMS & CORPORATE VIDEOS for FACTORIES, MANUFACTURING, OFFSHORE ENERGY in VIETNAM and all ASIA. Reel:    • SHOWREEL VIETNAM | INDUSTRY, FACTORY,...  

Corporate video examples:
   • Electronics Manufacturing Vietnam | D...  
   • Factory Vietnam | Food packaging indu...  
   • Digi-Texx Corporate Video. BPO - BUSI...  
   • Metal Manufacturing - Corporate Video...  
   • The Sourcing of HyphaLite - Dop, came...  

Shooting for DOCUMENTARY FILM PROJECTS 2022 - 2024:
JUNIOR CARS - Galileo Pro7, documentary    • Flitzen wie die Großen! Miniversionen...  
NAT. GEOGRAPHIC USA, country & nature documentary. DOP, FILM CREW, shooting 6 weeks.    • Landscapes Northern Vietnam, Ho Chi M...  
ARTE France, Germany, wildlife documentary HORSESHOE BATS in Vietnam "La beauté cachée des laids". https://natur-vision.de/de/films/0.91...
DEUTER, BACKPACK PRODUCTION VIETNAM:    • Made in Vietnam - Best backpack produ...  
PERSEVERANCE POLAR POD - French TV, shooting 15 month, shipbuilding documentary "Polar Pod Expedition, Perseverance".    • Mast installations sailing ship, Sout...  
MONKEY WORLD UK, wildlife documentary. Film crew 4 weeks shooting. Trailer:    • Wildlife filmmaker, director of photo...  
HILFE AUS VIETNAM, documentary ORF2 Austria 2022    • Am Schauplatz „Hilfe aus Vietnam“ ORF...  
PRO7 GALILEO - Shooting in Vietnam backpack production 2022:    • Made in Vietnam - Best backpack produ...  
NESTLE COFFEE - CNBC documentary shooting. Film crew, dop, drone, sound Nov. 2023.    • Instant Coffee Production in Vietnam ...  
NIKE DECONSTRUCTED - GALILEO Pro7 TV, Vietnam dop & drone 2022. https://www.wunschliste.de/episode/15...
WASTE2WEAR/BBC - Film crew Vietnam, Feb. 2023.
ARTEMIS CARGO SAILING SHIP. Shooting 19 month a shipbuilding documentation, film crew, dop, drone, time-lapses, production.    • Cargo sailing ship, coating/painting ...  
PRIMATE PLANET, wildlife rescue shooting. Dop, drone, camera crew, sound. Febr./March 2024.    • Keeping Quy Going | Season 16 Episode...  
Déco pour tous, l'envers du décor. Documentary shooting, French production house. Dop, crew, drone, sound in Vietnam. Nov. 2023.    • Director of Photography Ho Chi Minh C...  
INSTANT COFFEE - Documentary shooting NESTLE, CNBC. Film crew, dop. Nov. 2023.    • One in seven cups of coffee consumed ...  
OIL & GAS BRUNEI, offshore installation. BOSIET dop, photographer, drone operator. Dec. 2023.
AQUATIC ECO SYSTEMS - Wildlife shootings January - June 2024.    • Chinese Softshell Turtle. Wildlife Fi...  
MONKEY documentary shooting in Vietnam for PRIMATE PLANET. Dop, camera crew, sound, drone.    • Back In The Wild | Season 16 Episode ...  
MANGROVE FOREST FLORA & FAUNA. Wildlife shooting Vietnam, Macaques, Siamese crocodiles, crabs, fruit bats. April 2024.    • Mangroves Vietnam - Wildlife Films Vi...  
INSTAGRAM INFLUENCERS, GALILEO PRO7, incense village Quang Phu Cau, docu shooting, DoP, crew, sound, drone, May 2024.    • Millionen bunte Räucherstäbchen: Viet...  
LOST OVER LAOS - Documentary film. Director, dop, camera crew, production. 2021-Jan. 2025. Trailer:    • 50 years ago 1971, Lost over Laos tra...  
H&M documentary shooting knitting, dyeing, finishing. Vietnam, Sept. 2024.
SEASONS OF RICE - Shooting March - Dec. 2024.
HOW NATIONS ESCAPE POVERTY. Documentary shooting in Vietnam. Dec. 2024
ANGKOR WAT docu shooting. July 2024 - Febr. 2025.
GIBBONS - Wildlife docu shooting, Oct. 2024.
COFFEE - Shootings in Vietnam, Uganda, East Timor 2025.

CONTACT us to shoot your documentary film or corporate video project in Vietnam.

Filmmaker, Dop/Cameraman
Ho Chi Minh City & Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone +84 918 921 258 WhatsApp
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.peterscheid.com/
Showreel Vietnam:    • Showreel Vietnam | Director of photog...  
Industrial drone showreel:    • Showreel Vietnam | Industrial drone r...  
Projects, credits: https://www.productionhub.com/profile...

2. TSbB certificate
3. HUET hhelicopter underwater escape training

Sony PXW FX9 camera, monitor
Sony PXW FS7 camera
Sony PXW FS5 camera
Sony FDR-AX700 cameras
Sony Alpha 7S III camera
Sony Alpha 1 camera
Sony 200-600 mm lens & Sony 2 x teleconverter
Ronin RS 4 Pro Combo gimbal
Ronin S gimbal
GoPros & extras
Sachtler tripods
360 degree panorama tripod
Canon DSLR cameras
DJI Phantom 4 Prof. drones, 12 batteries (2 drones)
LED light panels sets, batteries
IFootage S slider
ABC travel crane & Sachtler tripo, monitor
Sony & Sennheiser shotgun, wireless microphones, boom, sound mixer
Editing studio



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