Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is OUT as Star Wars Rey Movie Director | Newest Report

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Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is OUT as Star Wars Rey Movie Director | Newest Report

Star Wars news and rumors have been heating up in the past few weeks. All of this occurred right after Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, a self-proclaimed femnist activist who "enjoys making men feel uncomfortable" made the statement "it is 2024, so it is about time that a female got to shape a Star Wars story". There was massive fan backlash afterwards. Following the terrible press, Lucasfilm posted a BLOG announcement on STARWARS.COM that The Mandalorian and Grogu would be the NEXT film in Star Wars. This previously unannounced movie was never mentioned by Lucasfilm until that moment. In fact, 8 months before, Kathy Kennedy introduced the next three movies in the Star Wars lineup at Star Wars Celebration 2023.

We know the long list of fired directors, writers, and canceled movies and shows under Kathleen "Kathy" Kennedy's leadership at the president of Lucasfilm and Star Wars. But if this rumor is true, could it be good for Star Wars and its fandom?

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