BMP-2 Gunner HEAT PC Pragmatic Payment Mission No Commentary

Описание к видео BMP-2 Gunner HEAT PC Pragmatic Payment Mission No Commentary

BMP-2 Gunner HEAT PC Pragmatic Payment Mission No Commentary. This mission is called Pragmatic Payment Part One on GHPC. This is not the standard vehicle, I am using the BMP-2 instead of the BTR. I also engage a few targets using the commander view, this is a great technique, because for longe range shots you can lob the shot over hills, out of the enemies line of sight. Push "Left shift" to go into commander view, then mouse wheel scroll up to enter binoculars. Hold down the right mouse button to aim and left click to fire. The BMP-2 combat machine/vehicle (of the) infantry") is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle introduced in the 1980s in the Soviet Union, following on from the BMP-1 of the 1960s. The main armament is a turret with a stabilized 30 mm 2A42 autocannon with dual ammunition feeds, which provide a choice of 3UBR6 AP-T and 3UOR6 HE-T / 3UOF8 HE-I ammunition and 9M113 Konkurs ATGM. The gun has a selectable rate of fire, either slow at 200 to 300 rounds per minute or fast at 550 rounds per minute. This gives a continuous fire time of 100–150 seconds (or only 55 seconds, depending on the rate of fire chosen) before running out of ammunition. The original stabilization provides reasonable accuracy up to a speed of about 35 kilometres per hour. The AP-T ammunition can penetrate 15 millimetres of armour at sixty degrees at 1,500 metres. A new APDS-T tungsten round can penetrate 25 millimetres at the same distance. A typical ammunition load is 160 rounds of AP ammunition and 340 rounds of HE ammunition. The ammunition sits in two trays located on the turret rear floor. The gun can be fired from either the commander's or the gunner's station.


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