Primary schools reopen today in pakistan | primary schools open hu gye 30 September 2020

Описание к видео Primary schools reopen today in pakistan | primary schools open hu gye 30 September 2020

Primary school reopen today |

reopening of educational institutions, primary schools across the country will reopen on Wednesday (today) as positive cases of Covid-19 have been recorded at a rate of less than one per cent in high schools and universities.

The announcement was made by federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Health Dr Faisal Sultan after a review meeting held at the National Command and Operation Centre here on Tuesday.

Earlier, on Sept 15, after a gap of six months, educational institutions from class 9 to university level had been reopened in the first phase, followed by class six to eight on Sept 23 in the second phase.


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