Obscure Cutscenes in Pajama Sam 2

Описание к видео Obscure Cutscenes in Pajama Sam 2

One of my favorite the things that makes Pajama Sam 2 one of my favorite HE games, is all the really well made cutscenes that they didn't need to put in, but did anyway. There's loads of them, so I put them together into this one video for you all to enjoy.
(Sorry for the quality drop after the first few minutes, not sure what went wrong there...)

00:00 "That's a lot of crates!" "I can't reach those."
00:25 ID Card.
01:16 Lost and found.
01:25 Showing it's possible to have the locker eat the apple without debug.
01:56 Giving the apple to SID.
02:38 Giving the apple to Starlight Glimmer.
02:53 "Employee of the month."
03:32 Giving everything to the Snowflake Inspector.
09:02 Putting on the hard hat in every room, showing off every room's background.
13:02 Earthquake in a can gone to waste.
14:09 Color suggestions for the executive washroom.
15:20 Carrot takes over the board room.
21:45 Giving other food to the rock.
23:31 Attempting to buy Andrew Glimmer's office supplies.
24:03 Trying to put Wingnut back before opening the bottle.
24:17 Trying to break things with the crowbar.
25:12 Trying to open the computer with the crowbar.
25:26 Trying to open the boxes with the crowbar.


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