Tips to handle an extremely Emotional & Sensitive Child - Dr. Surekha Tiwari | Doctors' Circle

Описание к видео Tips to handle an extremely Emotional & Sensitive Child - Dr. Surekha Tiwari | Doctors' Circle

Dr. Surekha Tiwari |Appointment booking no: 088843 68700
Homeopathic Consultant & Psychological Counsellor|Homeopathic Clinic AECS Layout,Bangalore
Children by nature are sensitive, are emotional because for every need they are dependent on their parents and on their environment as they are growing. There are some children who have some special gifts because when a child is sensitive he is sensitive for every single thing. In the eyes of the parents the child seeks for validation and emotional and sensitive children are even more seeking. We as working parents who have a lot of reasonability who have a lot of education in our hands have e a lot of obligation. And you will have to schedule time and space and we as parents starts accepting child as being emotional, works wonders. This sensitive child who is emotional to your scolding and they will be more sensitive to your needs. Emotional is when the child does not have a practical side and will be easily hurt.


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