If you play Sky, DON'T do this.

Описание к видео If you play Sky, DON'T do this.

I did not expect the video to blow up so much, and enough people have complained about the content of the description that I've decided to rewrite it to see if I can't explain myself any better.

Q: Why does it bother you when people light you?
A: It doesn't. It bothers me when I say no and people follow me around, honk, and get in my way on purpose to annoy me in retaliation to being rejected.

Q: Why not just light them and get it over with?
A: Because I don't want to. TGC has designed the candle-lighting system the way it is on purpose - it allows people to stay anonymous if they wish, and show off their character if they wish. I like to remain anonymous when I candle-run, which is why I don't like lighting other people's candles. I understand that you might want to see me and my cosmetics, but I do not want to light your candle.

Q: What's the point of cosmetic collecting if you aren't going to show them off?
A: I collect cosmetics for me. I do not do it to impress anyone. I do it because dressing my skykid in different outfits is fun for me.

Q: Sky is a social game, if you don't like that then why are you playing?
A: It is, but you don't have to play it like one. I play Sky to collect cosmetics and enjoy the lore of the world and spirits, not to socialize. How I enjoy the game is not up to you.

Q: What is stealth-lighting?
A: Stealth-lighting is when you wait until someone pulls out their candle to light a constellation door or burn a plant, and you put your candle there. The game automatically brings the candles together and lights the person, even though they did not bring their candle out to light someone, but rather to complete a task.

Q: Why is stealth-lighting bad?
A: Because the person did not ask nor want to be lit up, and it happened anyways. It's only a problem if the person in question stealth-lights you AFTER being told no. This means they did it on purpose in retaliation to being told "no".
If it happens as a complete accident, then that's no one's fault. It happens to me all the time, and it's okay. It's only a problem when someone does it intentionally because they were told not to. That shows a lack of respect for the person they stealth-light, and is incredibly rude.

Q: How do I light someone without stealth-lighting?
A: Ask for consent. Walk up to the person you want to light and pull out your candle. If they seem to be AFK or don't notice you, honk a few times, but don't spam it. If they continue to ignore you, take that as a no and move on. If they tell you no via the Rejecting Voyager emote, then take that as a no and move on. If they light your candle - success! You did it.

Q: These players are probably new or children, why can't you cut them a break?
A: Being a child is not an excuse to throw a tantrum. Children are not exempt from manners, and neither is being new to the game. No means no is a very basic rule of etiquette that extends into real life, not just Sky.

Semi-Q: You're overreacting, no one else cares.
A: There are many people like me that also do not enjoy lighting other people's candles. For some people it's because they're solo players, for others it's a game performance thing, and for other folks, it's an anxiety problem. Whatever the reason, they agree with me, and this video shows them that they are not alone and that what they feel is valid.
This video also shows people who might have been unaware of this problem that it exists and teaches them about this form of courtesy. Therefore, the video exists and my words are necessary.

Q: Why are you so mean about it?
A: I am one of the few people in this world who has social anxiety that isn't afraid to come across as "rude". Some folks won't get the point unless it's beaten into them, so here I am with a bat. Thus, what do I want people to understand from all this?

Q: What am I supposed to understand from this video and this description?
A: That this is not about lighting candles, nor is it about seeing my outfit. This is about boundaries, consent, and respect.
No means no. Respect people's boundaries. If someone tells you to leave them alone, leave them alone. Disagreeing is to tell me that you think your opinion and desires trump other people's right to personal space and comfort.
Many of you have called me egotistical and toxic, but in my opinion, THAT'S the true egotistical way of thinking.

As I said before: Sky may be a social game, but many of us are not social. We are here for reasons other than socialization, and that is okay.
Others may simply ask, but I'm here to DEMAND that you respect us and our boundaries.
We are deserving of basic respect. We are not here to make you feel popular or pretty.

The old description can be found here if you want to complain about it more:
however, you'll find out very quickly that I don't care what you think about me and i enjoy seeing you make a fool of yourself.


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