Angolan and Nigerian Cultural Dynamics, Birth Order Politics , & Speaking In Tongues | S1 EP 6

Описание к видео Angolan and Nigerian Cultural Dynamics, Birth Order Politics , & Speaking In Tongues | S1 EP 6

Welcome everyone! Culture is woven into the fabric of society and the world around us. It is through the lens of culture that ways of life, traditions, and belief systems are widely seen. In this episode we address how our inherit culture played a role in the earlier stages of our marriage, the theory of birth order and how that affects relationships, and lastly how culture has affected the faith both positively and negatively. We hope you all are blessed. Welcome home!

0:00 - 2:44: Social Media Wins & Woes
2:45 - 7:09: Our Parents Find Out
7:10 - 16:06: Angolan & Nigerian Culture Dynamics
16:07 - 33:28: The Role Of Birth Order In Relationships
33:29 - 46:49: Speaking In Tongues
46:50 - 53:27: Poor Traditions In The Church
53:28 - 54:59: Closing Remarks


Matthew 25:21
"His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master."

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