Drills for OL to Dominate from a 2 Point Stance.

Описание к видео Drills for OL to Dominate from a 2 Point Stance.

Drill #1 - "Wrecking Ball from Distance": Players begin from 2 Point Coil Stance. On command, players foot fire forward to reduce or close the distance to the partner/coach holding a hand shield parallel to the ground. The player's hands should be held in front of the body, hand over hand. Right before the player gets to the distance where his chest touches the pad, the player should teeter and uncoil their hips to explode their hands up through the bag. Players shoulder to continue to take a couple more steps to finish the rep with their feet and hips moving towards the partner/coach.

Drill #2 - "Close & Climb": This drill starts from the fit position and on command, the player will uncoil and explode with their hips and continue to bring pressure from below with their hips and feet. This teaches players to finish blocks with their hips and feet instead of taking long steps and pushing. After players get comfortable using their hips, the partner can now take a step in either direction to simulate the defender attempting to get off the block. Player's must remain disciplined and use sustained pressure from below (hips & feet) to stay connected to the defender for the duration of the rep.


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