List Live DJ Set Asia Experience The Voices of Phangan Dry Wet Moscow R_sound

Описание к видео List Live DJ Set Asia Experience The Voices of Phangan Dry Wet Moscow R_sound

Location: "DryWet Moscow", Moscow
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Live dj set:
Video broadcast: R_sound
Genre: Electronic
Style: deep, minimal, house
R_sound music video.

Organizer: Asia Experience
  / asiaexperiencemoscow  

The Voices of Phangan by

Many people say that Koh Phangan is magical. I think the magic lies in the people who come there © ️Guru Hustlers.
The second party from Asia Experience will be a logical continuation of the acclaimed project The Voises of Phangan. The main holiday of the most romantic season will give us many reasons for joy - 2 dance floors, the best DJs in Moscow, a beauty zone, enchanting dances and sincere feelings, and at the same time will bring warm spring days closer!
Phangan DJs will rule the ball, their sets always fall into the hearts of the audience and it is they who will become a suitable soundtrack for celebrating International Women's Day.

Artist: List
DJ List is a popular Russian DJ and an electronic musician. He is well known for his DJ sets special for their rich electronic sound which leave exquisite and charismatic aftertaste. DJ List is perhaps the most demanded person on Russian club scene. He is permanent resident of the most fashionable Moscow clubs.

He started to perform back in 1990-s. In 1993 he was one of the founders of Russian DJ culture. Using Vaishnava mantras and prayers in his sets, DJ List starts to stand out from other DJs and becomes very popular among connoisseurs of quality electronic music.

At the end of 2016 he decides to create his own label called “LISTOPAD” which produces interesting analog electronic sound compositions with the use of religious chants and mantras. “It’s well known that such music is timeless, it never loses its relevance and becomes more and more popular among people with absolutely different musical taste”.

Follow: List
  / listdj
  / list_dj  

R_sound - a team of professionals - organizers of various events, including DJs, web designers, video directors and cameramen.
One of the main types of our activity is to transfer the atmosphere of the event to people through live video broadcasts,
live mixes, as well as shooting video clips in an interesting and high-quality way.

Follow: R_sound
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