Усилия семьи Захры варьируются от выпечки хлеба до строительства туалетов.

Описание к видео Усилия семьи Захры варьируются от выпечки хлеба до строительства туалетов.

Zahra's nomadic family is an Iranian family with strong cultural values ​​that strives to improve their living conditions as well as influence other villagers. The housewives are always preparing to produce the most delicious traditional breads, while the men of the family are also engaged in the construction of sanitary facilities as a creative initiative.

Nomadic women of Zahra have become famous as pioneers in the production of traditional bread. Using old techniques and natural ingredients, they bake breads with a unique taste. Their presence in different villages, especially on special occasions, is appreciated. Some of the breads produced by housewives include lavash, sanjaq, and tufton bread, each of which adorns the family table with a unique taste and method.
#solar year
#hard life


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