Global Unitive Healing with Dr. Elena Mustakova

Описание к видео Global Unitive Healing with Dr. Elena Mustakova

Communities of Spiritual Action

by Jackie Bailey | Feb 23, 2022

Our recent guest, Elena Mustakova is a spiritually-oriented integral psychologist and psychotherapist. Her work integrates mindfulness-based understanding of moment-to-moment human resilience with an overall developmental and psychodynamic perspective on whole-person healing and development.

“Psychological and spiritual health are inseparable, and healing requires work with the brain, mind, body, soul, and transforming the sociocultural contexts which generate suffering.”
Elena Mustakova

Elena collaborates with people from a deep belief in the presence of Spirit in our lives, and with reverence for the unique perspectives each person brings.

In response to the massive search for ways to find wellbeing and purpose under conditions of deepening crises and uncertain global transformations – some that have been a long time coming, others exacerbated and brought to light as COVID-19 swept the continents, Elena wrote Global Unitive Healing.

With her experience as an educator and social scientist with three and a half decades of work on the evolution of human consciousness and social transformation in cross-cultural contexts, Elena views our current reality as gripping.

“The dramatic intensity of this moment – in which a global pandemic has collided with widespread poverty and corruption, coupled with environmental degradation and rapid climate change, and further complicated by waves of massive radicalization and extremism – is the gripping reality we continue to face.”
Elena Mustakova

Recently on her blog, Medium, Elena wrote:

”I see quietly rising around the world communities of spiritual action.”

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