British LGBT Awards 2017 - Backstage with winner Sue Baines from Barclays

Описание к видео British LGBT Awards 2017 - Backstage with winner Sue Baines from Barclays

We speak to Sue Baines from Barclays after winning the Inspirational Leader of the Year award.

Sue is responsible for 3m card portfolio across multiple countries. She tirelessly champions the importance of respecting people from diverse backgrounds, and promoting diversity as an investment in talent that benefits individuals, companies and society. Sue recently became co-chair of Spectrum, Barclays LGBT Network and mentors LGBT networks and business leaders in client, supplier, and charities connected to Barclays to increase their business and community impact via skills-transfer and thought leadership, introduction to LGBT charities and partnership hosting of events. She is also transforming the way Barclays works with charities, leveraging Barclays assets and colleagues to help charities deliver their goals, this includes employability training and career opportunities for service users.


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