Описание к видео This VIRGIN QUEEN May Have ACTUALLY Had A Child…

Elizabeth I is believed to have been one of the greatest Queens that ever ruled over England. However she gained the nickname the ‘Virgin Queen,’ as it was said that she never in fact had a lover, and she never married and instead decided to stay 100% devoted to her country. She was greatly concerned that if she married then she would be forced to share her power with a man, as at the time many across England were concerned about the fact they had a Queen and not a King. But Elizabeth throughout her life would be linked to many different men, and there were a number who were considered to have been a possibly husband for her, but there was one many in particular that she was incredibly close with, Robert Dudley the Earl of Leicester. But many historians over the years have considered whether Elizabeth lived up to her reputation as the Virgin Queen, or whether she in fact had a secret child or marriage that was covered up for centuries.


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