Sabapathy Tamil Movie Scenes | R Padma Makes a Plan | AP International

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Sabapathy - Tamil Movie
Directed by : A. V. Meiyappan, A. T. Krishnaswamy
Music by : Saraswathi Music Troupe
Starring : T. R. Ramachandran, Kali N. Rathnam, R. Padma, C. T. Rajakantham, K. Sarangapani, P. R. Mangalam

Movie Synopsis:
Sababathy Mudaliar is the son of Rao Sahib Manikka Mudaliar and a pet of his mother Thiribura Ammal. He is studying in the Matriculation class. He is a fool with some intelligence. His man servant is a even greater fool. Both their names are the same. The antics of these two gems forms the foundation of this story. The film tells the story of a happy-go-lucky young man Sabapathy and his man servant (also named as Sabapathy). neglects his studies and repeatedly fails his high school examinations. To make matters worse, his marriage is arranged with Sivakami, daughter of a friend of his mother, Thribura Ammal. While Sabapathy's father initially rebukes Sivakami for distracting Sabapathy from his studies and Thribura Ammal for her decision to marry off Sabapathy before comnpleting his high school studies, he relents when he finds that Sivakami was actually assisting Sabapathy in his preparation for the examinations. The film ends with Sabapathy eventually clearing his high school examinations with the help of his wife.

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