“LOL!” Magnus Carlsen DISRESPECTS Vladimir Kramnik ON MOVE 2! (Daniel Naroditsky SHOCKED!)

Описание к видео “LOL!” Magnus Carlsen DISRESPECTS Vladimir Kramnik ON MOVE 2! (Daniel Naroditsky SHOCKED!)

Magnus Carlsen is absolutely unstoppable these days, and who doesn't like watching Magnus beat up on poor old Vladimir Kramnik - the man accusing everyone of cheating these days? For that reason today we're looking at the incredible game Magnus Carlsen vs Vladimir Kramnik from the 2013 Tal Memorial!

This game was incredible because Magnus Carlsen disrespects Vladimir on move 2 with the Trompowsky Attack - a silly sideline that you play when you truly have no respect for your opponent! And despite being rated over 2800 ELO at the time, this opening gave Vladimir quite the headache at the time! Make sure to watch till the end of the video to see the exciting conclusion to this incredible game!

#magnuscarlsen #vladimirkramnik #danielnaroditsky


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