BDO | Yzrahid Highlands - Succession Sage 43245/h L2+Agris

Описание к видео BDO | Yzrahid Highlands - Succession Sage 43245/h L2+Agris

I want to start by saying that I am not happy with this hour in the slightest. :O With how far I advanced into that final stage, this should have been closer to 43.5k, but I got unlucky with consistently bad loot rolls from the Elite mobs.

My Agris is exhausted for now, but it is likely that I will make another video of the same nature soon, aiming for the aforementioned, and justified, 43.5k.

For now, I suppose the point of this video is to touch upon a common misconception; this being that simply 0 phasing the legs would be good enough for a great hour. That is false. With how much AP we have nowadays, 0 phasing legs should no longer be the great achievement it previously was. Instead, thanks to Deboreka being so strong, we can now look to optimize our burst rotations and not only destroy the leg, but destroy it fast. My peak killspeed is 4.17 seconds now (average on YouTube is still about 5.5s) which allows me save enough time to spend at least half a minute in the last phase, where the hour normally ends for most. This increased my money/h by about 50m, which is enough to repay the tent drop rate buff.

It's not significant and will hardly improve your income, so don't stress about it if you are looking for a relaxed grind. :) This is rather aimed at those who loudly claim that Yzrahid is capped at 41-42k and that effort isn't rewarded, when in truth it's just a thing they tell themselves to satisfy their sloth.


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