Michael + Alex | Save You

Описание к видео Michael + Alex | Save You

"Is there really nobody in this world that you wouldn't risk everything to save?"

I really had no idea where I was actually going with this video until I was actively editing it. How it largely turned out was looking at how they saved on another both abstractly and also physically. I wanted to highlight the similarities in Michael and Alex's pasts and show how the presence of one another really saved them both during that time in their lives. I think that's why I really enjoyed the line "it was as if we were built from the same star." I think the part of that quote that's highlighted the most is "drawn together by something cosmic," because the parallel there is obvious. But I think the idea of Michael and Alex being built from the same star is also true in that both of their childhoods were marked with abuse and loneliness and they saw themselves in one another. The video then goes on to show how they save each other more literally.

I didn't really know how to go about ending this, because this video is less narrative focused as it is thematic.

Hope you enjoy.

Song: Save You by Matthew Perryman Jones
Show: Roswell, New Mexico


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