40 Watt Sun | Behind My Eyes

Описание к видео 40 Watt Sun | Behind My Eyes

Taken from 40 Watt Sun's third studio album, 'Perfect Light', released 21 January 2022.

Patrick Walker - vocals; electric and acoustic guitars; EBow
Nicola Hutchison - vocals; octave violin
Chris Redman - piano
Ryan Cowell - bass guitar
Dave Walsh - drums


Behind My Eyes

Meet the measure of my mind.
Nothing in this life is unchangeable
or unchanging.
We are wakening our lives together;
we are unmaking everything we’re ashamed of.

In the meshes of the night,
never was I blinded to anything so completely.
Take what’s left behind my eyes;
whatever you can find, refine it
and make it in to something beautiful.

Leave the sentence of your side;
these moments in mine transcend
everything that is failing.
And lead a little with your light;
the level of my light is paler now.
It is paling.

Where peace and darkness divide,
I am beside you
in the tatters of my weakness.
Meet the measure of my mind;
this night won’t define us – it reveals us.
Let’s believe ourselves,
and time may prove to us.

Please, what can I tell you
which adds not little that’s lost to our lives?
Raise your eyes;
hold the reins with your hungering hands;
heave your heart from the weight;
and let life break through to us;
let life make new to us;
let life taste true to us;
because sometimes it’s so hard to find.

music and lyrics by Patrick Walker © Patrick Walker 2021


Band web store: https://40wattsunshop.bigcartel.com

Press enquiries: [email protected]

Bookings: [email protected]



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