How to effectively present categories and tags on your website

Описание к видео How to effectively present categories and tags on your website

This video is a part of Q&A series where I answer questions my subscribers sent me.

Today's question is from Steph from

"How the heck do you organise a blog when you've got so many topics? I've settled for 4 over arching themes. But I also want people to know that under Wealth Goals, they can choose from business, career, debt, savings, investing etc. At the moment this is communicated through tags, but they're hard to see."

Basically, the question is how to present categories and tags on your website so that your website visitors see them and use them to explore more content.

In this video, I've answered Steph's question using her website as an example, but my answer is generic enough so that you can get an idea how to do this on your own website.

Video highlights:

Before you start solving any problem on your website, you need to take a step back and check whether your website visitors have all the information they need before this problem even becomes relevant for them. Only then you can get to solving that particular problem.

So, to effectively present content categories and tags on your website:

Make sure you have a clear website tagline that tells your visitors what your website is about and a descriptive and easy-to-skim navigation.

2. Organize your content in categories and tags properly:

- Make all of your categories of an approximately equal size. If you have a category that is twice as large, split it in half.

- Don’t assign too many categories or tags to one post.

- If you use a tag or a category only once or twice, remove it.

For more details on dividing your content into categories and tags, see this article from Yoast SEO:

3. Make sure your users see a page title and a short description on all category and tag pages.

Pro tip: Add a prominent search box on all category and tag pages, as the visitors who start browsing your categories may be looking for something specific.

4. Present your tags early on the category page, before the posts.

5. Apart from a title and a description, add breadcrumbs navigation to your tag pages.

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