[OSRS] Tempoross Max Efficiency with humidify Solo guide 15-17 permits per trip

Описание к видео [OSRS] Tempoross Max Efficiency with humidify Solo guide 15-17 permits per trip

Sorry for my awkward voice, not really used to talking to myself for 13 minutes straight lmao


You want to start off with fishing 19 fish, and cooking them. Go ahead and dump 17 cooked fish (when you start dumping/as you're dumping fire should start spawning) before fishing another full inventory, after cooking you want to go ahead and dump all 19.

Once tempoross has gone down get rid of any fires that are in your way and attack a little to get tempo down a little, once you do that go ahead remove any other fires and fish another 19 fish - Cook and extinguish any fires around you but ensure not to go too far as you still want them to spread out more.

Once you dump the last 19 go ahead and attack once more, grab a full inventory of buckets and dispose of one. That one spot will be for a fish you will catch and cook - From there you're going to just extinguish all the fires while running to the other side and casting humidify as you put it all out. Dump your last fishy once you get to the other side (Always keep an eye on your percentage!!) and then attack Tempoross You should get 15-16 permits as long as you put out a lot of fires, or 17 depending on your rng of course!


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