The Riftbreaker: Making the Final Battle of the Brutal Campaign look easy!

Описание к видео The Riftbreaker: Making the Final Battle of the Brutal Campaign look easy!

At a certain point, you start to outpace the difficulty level that you picked for this game. The "Brutal" difficulty honestly isn't that brutal in Campaign. It definitely makes Survival mode a lot harder, but in Campaign the difficulty is only slightly increased, mainly because it just makes events happen more frequently. Also, this game is very easy if you play it patiently, and if you watch my guide on making unlimited resources:    • The Riftbreaker: Get Unlimited Resour...  

Today, I'm showing off the excessively overpowered base that I made, which can basically finish the final battle without my help. Enjoy the fireworks!

I also touch on an important note in the video. If you want to enjoy the final battle as much as possible, I highly recommend removing (or just disconnecting) anything you have outside of your walls surrounding your headquarters. Trim the base down to only what's necessary. If you notice your game freezes a tiny bit (even a couple frames) when you disconnect a few things, that's a sign that it can get really bad during the final battle. The headquarters needs to be clean, so leave the mess in your outposts instead. Hopefully they'll keep patching the game until this isn't an issue anymore.


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