99 Homes - Movie Review

Описание к видео 99 Homes - Movie Review


This was one of those films that I heard of when released and was interested in watching it mainly due to Andrew Garfield starring in it (It was released back in 2014, same year as TASM 2), which basically means I was at the height of appreciating everything that the TASM cast were working on. But I never got around to watching the film, would forget it exists, then not be able to find it, but Netflix finally added it, so my excuses no longer were valid. After watching the film, my excuses kept me away from an amazing film, that I am already looking forward to experiencing again.


The film follows Garfields character who after being evicted from his family home by Shannon, has to find somewhere for his mother and son to live while being unemployed / struggling for money in Florida during the Great Recession. Due to the situation, Garfield finds himself helping Shannon while he continues to evict other people in exchange for the opportunity to get his family home returned to him.


The film stars Andrew Garfield, Laura Dern and Michael Shannon, with all 3 putting in solid performances, but Shannon stole the show for me, he was equal parts menacing and alluring. The way in which we get introduced to his character is meant to demonstrate to us how evil and cruel he is as a person with limited remorse being afforded to those whom he evicts from their homes. Meanwhile we initially see Garfield trying his best to be a single father, support his mother all in a tough economic situation where he is clearly a hard worker, but one that the system that was in place during the Recession did not respect and was among those most effected by everything that was happening.


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