L'Eminenza Oscura x Dismiss (Kingdom Hearts)

Описание к видео L'Eminenza Oscura x Dismiss (Kingdom Hearts)

Here's another video for Kingdom Hearts 3D! Despite the title this mix actually has 3 KH tracks in it! Just didn't want to make the title too long. This combines Dismiss (Final battle from Birth by Sleep) and Guardando nel Buio (Final Battle from KH1) with L'Eminenza Oscura (Ansem battle from KH3D). Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the music used to create this mashup. They are owned by Yoko Shimomura, Square-Enix and everyone else who worked on this. I want to use this so support and show my appreciation of The World Ends With You. Please support Square-Enix if you like it.



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