#13 Product Specifications | Functional and Conceptual Design

Описание к видео #13 Product Specifications | Functional and Conceptual Design

Welcome to 'Functional and Conceptual Design' course !

This lecture focuses on product specifications – how to translate subjective customer needs into precise, measurable, and objective design targets. This step is crucial for guiding the design process and ensuring that the final product meets customer expectations. The lecture underscores the importance of transforming relatively vague customer feedback (e.g., "easy to use" or "lightweight") into concrete design parameters that can be measured and evaluated.
It introduces the concept of a specification as a quantitative and measurable criterion that the product must satisfy. Each specification consists of two components:
Metric: The measurable attribute of the product (e.g., weight, assembly time, number of parts)
Value: The target value for that metric (e.g., less than 2 kilograms, under 5 minutes, fewer than 10 parts)
The lecture outlines a process for establishing product specifications, which includes:
Identify Customer Needs: Draw upon the customer needs identified in the previous stages.
Define Metrics: Determine the appropriate metrics to measure each need.
Benchmarking: Analyze existing products and competitive offerings to gather information about suitable values for each metric.
Establish Ideal and Acceptable Values: Determine the desired target value (ideal) and the minimally acceptable value for each metric, considering feasibility and tradeoffs.
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#ProductSpecifications #DesignSpecifications #CustomerNeeds #QuantitativeDesign #MeasurableCriteria #Benchmarking #CompetitiveBenchmarking #ProductDevelopment #DesignProcess #TargetValues #DesignMetrics


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