Andrew Garfield Spiderman deserved better 🥺

Описание к видео Andrew Garfield Spiderman deserved better 🥺

We are about to dig deep into all the backstage drama that included Sony's plans, fans, and basically everything which built up to the reboot with Tom Holland. Fair enough. But, given that we just saw Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man in Spider-Man: No Way Home, that begs a number of other questions: is it possible for him to get the suit back at one point in the future?.

Join me as I explore what could be for The Amazing Spider-Man 3, finally, from Sony's Spider-Verse plans to whether Andrew Garfield will make an appearance. Here's what could be next for one of our favorite Spideys

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where is Amazing Spider-Man 3 ?
why Andrew Garfield Spider-Man was removed ?
Why Amazing Spider-Man 3 was canceled ?


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